RUSA Bills and Resolutions


RUSA 2022-2023 Bills

Fall 2022 Bills:


RUSA Resolution 16F22-01: Resolution to Endorse the Day of Action on Reproductive Justice Petition

RUSA Resolution 16F22-02: Resolution to Co-Sponsor Rutgers Shark Tank

RUSA Resolution 16F22-03: “Equal Pay for Equal Work” Resolution

RUSA Resolution 16F22-04: Resolution to Co-Sponsor RISE

RUSA Resolution 16F22-05: Resolution to Co-Sponsor UHACCS


RUSA Bill 16F22-01: The RUSA Academic Freedom Act RUSA Bill 16F22-02: The RUSA 2022-2023 Infrastructure Act 

RUSA Bill 16F22-03: Office Hours Adjustment Act


RUSA Bill 16F22-05: The Fair Student Wages Act



RUSA Bill 16F22-08: RUSA Civic Engagement Legislative Package of 2022-2023

RUSA Bill 16F22-09: New Brunswick Student Advisory Committee Act

RUSA Bill 16F22-10: Bill to Address the Unconstitutional Nature of the SIP Qualifications in the SR

RUSA Bill 16F22-11: Bill to Design, Designate, and Adopt Official RUSA Iconography

RUSA Bill 16F22-12: Sexual Health Improvement Tabling Act

RUSA Bill 16F22-13: Reproductive Rights Advocacy Act

RUSA Bill 16F22-14: Bill to Co-Sponsor the SHE-Thrifty Event

RUSA Bill 16F22-15: Special Events Funding Authorization Act of 2022

RUSA Bill 16F22-16: Bill to Authorize Spring 2023 Funding Allocation

RUSA Bill 16F22-17: Archives, Appointments, & Associations Act

RUSA Bill 16F22-18: Student Debt Relief Outreach Act


RUSA 2021-2022 Bills

RUSA Bill 15S22-01: Bill to Appropriate Donations to the Rutgers Student Food Pantry Amid COVID-19 Omicron Variant Outbreak

RUSA Bill 15S22-02: SAFER Act

RUSA Bill 15S22-03: Bill to Appoint RUSA Representatives to the Student Advisory Board of the Office of Climate Action

RUSA Bill 15S22-04: Bill to Reorganize RUSA Legal System

RUSA Bill 15S22-05: Bill for RUSA Digital and Physical Signage

RUSA Bill 15S22-06: A Bill to Increase Publicity on Vacant Positions in RUSA and Prioritize Skill and Merit

RUSA Bill 15S22-07: Local Government Priority Act

RUSA Bill 15S22-08: Bill for Distribution of KN95 Masks in Student Centers

RUSA Bill 15S22-09: The RUSA Freedom of Information Act of 2022

RUSA Bill 15S22-10: A Bill to Designate the Secretary as the Recovery Contact for RUSA-Related Google Accounts

RUSA Bill 15S22-11: Allocations Referenda Act

RUSA Bill 15S22-11: Allocations Referenda Act.pdf

RUSA Bill 15S22-12: Bill to Fund New Cupanions

RUSA Bill 15S22-13: 2022 RU Take it out of Take out

RUSA Bill 15S22-14: Bill to Define SIPs II


RUSA Bill 15F21-01: Back to Campus Support Act (2021)

RUSA Bill 15F21-02: Bill to Accommodate Student Needs in Election Dates



RUSA Bill 15F21-05: Timeline Amendment for the Constitutional Ad-Hoc Committee of 2021

RUSA Bill 15F21-06: Office Hours Bill

RUSA Bill 15F21-07: Bill to Reestablish Meal Swipes for Charity

RUSA Bill 15F21-08: Internal & Electoral Reform Act

RUSA Bill 15F21-09: MidKnight Snacks Appropriations

RUSA Bill 15F21-10: Bussing Appropriations (2021)     

RUSA Bill 15F21-11: Off-Campus Voting Seats Reallocation Bill

RUSA Bill 15F21-12: Special Events Funding Authorization Act of 2021

RUSA Bill 15F21-13: Bill to Define Qualifications for Special Interest Representatives 

RUSA Bill 15F21-14: THE #BeThe1To ACT OF 2021

RUSA Bill 15F21-15: Bill to Establish the Intergovernmental Liaison Cabinet Position

RUSA Bill 15F21-16: Bill To Establish a RUSA Mentorship Program


RUSA Bill 15F21-18: RUSA Bill 15F21-18: HOPEs Training Amendment.pdf

RUSA Bill 15F21-19: RUSA Bill 15F21-19: Resolution to Co-Sponsor Phiesta II

RUSA Bill 15F21-20: RUSA Bill 15F21-20: ABTS Authorization Resolution


RUSA Bill 15F21-22: RUSA Bill 15F21-22: Timeline Amendment Bill for Infrastructure Commission

RUSA Bill 15F21-23: RUSA Bill 15F21-23: The Anti-Stealthing Act of 2021

RUSA Bill 15F21-24: Bill to Create the 2021-2022 Internal Diversity Census 

RUSA Bill 15F21-25: SECOND Midknight Snacks Appropriations Act 

RUSA Bill 15F21-26: CIP Torch Investment Act 


RUSA 2021-2022 Resolutions

RUSA Resolution 15S22-01: Resolution to Move the MidKnight Snacks Spring Event

RUSA Resolution 15S22-02: Quarantine Learning Resolution

RUSA Resolution 15S22-03: Impeachment Resolution Fall 2021

RUSA RESOLUTION 15S22-04: Resolution to Welcome the 154th Targum Board

RUSA Resolution 15S22-05 Resolution to Support the Stop Asian Hate Movement

RUSA Resolution 15S22-06: A Resolution to Co-Sponsor Rutgers Shark Tank

RUSA Resolution 15S22-07: A Bill to Co-Sponsor the 10th Annual MARK Leadership Conference 


RUSA Resolution 15F21-01: Flu Vaccine Clinics Resolution (2021)

RUSA Resolution 15F21-02: No Forced Masks Rally Statement

RUSA Resolution 15F21-03: COVID-19 Finances Transparency Resolution

RUSA Resolution 15F21-04: Resolution to Honor President Jonathan Holloway

RUSA Resolution 15F21-05: Resolution to Co-Sponsor Phiesta

RUSA Resolution 15F21-06: Resolution of Support for PTLFC-AAUP-AFT Local 6324 

RUSA Resolution 15F21-01: Flu Vaccine Clinics Resolution (2021)

RUSA Resolution 15F21-02: No Forced Masks Rally Statement  

RUSA Resolution 15F21-03: COVID-19 Finances Transparency Resolution

RUSA Resolution 15F21-04: Resolution to Honor President Jonathan Holloway

RUSA Resolution 15F21-05: Resolution to Co-Sponsor Phiesta


RUSA 2021 Summer Assembly Bills

RUSA Bill S21-01 Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Budget Approval Act

RUSA Bill S21-02 Bill to Approve the Fall 2021 Allocations

RUSA Bill S21-03 Creation of the 2021 Constitutional Reform Ad-Hoc Committee

RUSA Bill 15S21-04 Bystander Intervention Training Reform Bill

RUSA Bill 15S21-05 RUSA Infrastructure Improvement Package of 2021

RUSA Bill 15S21-06 Election Improvement Act Part I

RUSA Bill 15S21-07 RCCPs Initiatives


RUSA 2021 Summer Assembly Resolutions

RUSA Resolution S21-01 Resolution to Condemn Hinduphobia & Co-Sponsor "Understanding Hinduphobia" Conference

RUSA Resolution S21-02 Resolution for the Appointment of an Interim SAS Senator

RUSA Resolution S21-03 Resolution to Adopt the Zoom Safety Recommendations by the Federal Bureau of Investigation

RUSA Resolution S21-04 The LGBTQ+ Pride Events Act


RUSA 2020-2021 Bills

RUSA Bill S20 - 10 Fall Allocations Approval

RUSA BILL S20-12 A Bill Addressing Reform & Accountability for the Rutgers University Police Department

RUSA Bill S20-13 Solidarity and Call to Action Act

RUSA Bill S20-14 Create A RUSA Seal (C.A.R.S.) Bill

RUSA Bill S20-15 Standing Rules Changes

RUSA Bill F20- 01 Bill to Approve the Referendum for 2020 RUSA Constitution 

RUSA Bill F20 - 02 Bill to Approve the Referendum to Put Forth Three Student Voting Positions on the Board of Governors

RUSA Bill F20-03 Guaranteeing Responsible and Environmentally Efficient Norms Act (G.R.E.E.N. Act)

RUSA Bill F20-04 Bill to Designate RUSA Fall Retreat

RUSA Bill F20-05 Bill to Approve Fall 2020 COVID-19 Updated Club Allocation

RUSA Bill F20-09 Bill to Appropriate Donation to the Rutgers Student Food Pantry Amid COVID-19 Fall 2020 Outbreak

RUSA Bill F20-06 Bill to Amend the Standing Rules to Affix Governing Council Allocations

RUSA Bill F20-11 Bill to Approve the Spring 2021 Allocations Board

RUSA Bill F20-12 Special Events Funding Authorization Act of 2020

RUSA Bill F20-10 Bill to Approve the Spring 2021 Allocations

RUSA Bill F20-15 Bill to Sanction the Creation of a Mandatory Bystander Intervention Training Program for RUSA Allocations Funded Organizations

RUSA Bill F20-13 Bill to Sanction the Creation of a Monthly RUSA Newsletter

RUSA Bill S21-01 Standing Rules Act of 2021

RUSA Bill S21-02 Ethics Reform Act of 2021

RUSA Bill S21-03 Elections Code Reform Act of 2021

RUSA Bill S21-04 Bill to Adopt Uniform Legislation

RUSA Bill S21-05 Bill to Move Training of Peer Educators for Bystander Intervention Training for 2021 to the Week of April 19th

RUSA Bill S21-06 A Bill Addressing NJ Bill S3030: The Reproductive Freedom Act

RUSA Bill S21-07 Omnibus Governing, Referendum, & Ethics Act of 2021

RUSA Bill SS21-08 Coalition Legislation A Bill to Increase the Representation of Different Communities Within the Assembly

RUSA Bill S21-09 Bill to Approve the 2021-22 Allocations Board

RUSA Bill S21-10 Ethical Economic Action and Social Investment Act

RUSA Bill S21-11 The Julia Baxter Bates Act


RUSA 2020-2021 Resolutions

RUSA Resolution F20 - 01 Resolution to Honor the Late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

RUSA Resolution F20 - 02 Resolution to Commemorate the 10th Anniversary of Tyler Clementi’s Passing and Honor His Legacy

RUSA Resolution F20 - 03 Resolution to Endorse the Bi-Partisan Presidential Debate Watch Party

RUSA Resolution F20-04 Resolution to Partner with Listeners On Call for Trial Services

RUSA Resolution S20-07_ Resolution to Welcome President Jonathan Holloway

RUSA Resolution S20 - 08 Resolution to Endorse S.E.A.’s Letter to President Holloway

RUSA Resolution F20-16 The Justice Resolution of 2020

RUSA Resolution S21-01 Resolution to Co-Sponsor the Black Rutgers Community Forum

RUSA Resolution S21-02 Resolution to Co-Sponsor the Eagleton RU-Running? Event

RUSA Resolution S21-03 Resolution to Recognize the 14th Anniversary of RUSA and Designate a Feb. 18th Holiday as "Student Unity Day"

RUSA Resolution S21-04 Resolution to Address University Policy 10.2.11 regarding Marijuana Possession

RUSA Resolution S21-05 Resolution to Adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Antisemitism Definition 


RUSA 2019-2020 Bills

09-05 RUSA Bill F19-01 “Bill to Create a RUSA Internship Program”

09-05 RUSA Bill F19-02 “Bill to Authorize and Fund the Fall Inaugural Ceremony”

09-19 RUSA Bill F19-03 “Bill to Fund a RUSA Kick-Off Barbecue”

09-19 RUSA Bill F19-04 “The Dynamic Funding Model Transparency Act”

10-03 RUSA Bill F19-05 “The Allocations Transparency Regulation Procedure Act”

10-03 RUSA Bill F19-06 “Capital Allocation and Secure Handling (C.A.S.H.) Act”

10-03 RUSA Bill F19-07 “Bill to Designate RUSA Fall Retreat”

10-31 RUSA Bill F19-09 “Bill to Appropriate Funding for Bussing to the Parsons Elementary School Polling Station”

11-07 RUSA “Bill F19-08 Capital Allocation and Secure Handling (C.A.S.H.) Act”

11-07 RUSA Bill F19-10 “Bill to Mandate the Consistent Documentation of the Meal Swipes for Charity Program”

11-21 RUSA Bill F19-11 “Bill to Approve Funding for RUSA Apparel”

02-06 RUSA Bill S20-01 “Bill to Correct the RUSA Elections Code”

02-27 RUSA Bill S20-03  “Bill to Endorse and Allocate Funding for the Open & Affordable Textbook (OAT) Program”

03-15 RUSA Bill S20-05  “Bill to Appropriate Donation to the Rutgers Food Pantry Amid COVID-19 Outbreaks”

04-02 RUSA Bill S20-06 Securing Allocations to Fund Emergencies (S.A.F.E.) Act_

04-02 RUSA Bill S20-07 Resolution to Urge Rutgers Administration to Achieve Zero Hunger

04-02 RUSA Bill S20-08 Bill to Approve the 2020-2021 Allocations Board

04-02 RUSA Bill S20-09 Bill to Establish a RUSA Clicker Bank


RUSA 2019-2020 Resolutions

09-19 RUSA Resolution F19-01 “Resolution Concerning the Allocation of SAS Senators”

09-19 RUSA Resolution F19-02 “Resolution to Grant the Fall 2019 Meal Swipes for Charity Program to the Rutgers Food Pantry”

10-03 RUSA Resolution F19-03 “Resolution to Establish a RUSA Mentorship Program “

10-31 RUSA Resolution F19-04 “Resolution to Add Three Students to the Community Oriented Review Board (CORB)”

11-07 RUSA Resolution F19-05 “Resolution to Support the “No More Hungry Knights””

11-14 RUSA Resolution F19-06 “Resolution to Cosponsor IFC’s SVE Banner Campaign”

11-14 RUSA Resolution F19-07 “Resolution Regarding the Report on MidKnight Snacks”

01-23 RUSA Resolution S20-01 “Resolution to Add a Student Representative to the Language Engagement Project Steering Committee”

01-23 RUSA Resolution S20-02 “Resolution to Condemn the Conditions of the Sale of Lincoln Annex School”

02-13 RUSA Resolution S20-03 “Resolution to Co-Sponsor a Professional Development Workshop”

02-13 RUSA Resolution S20-04 “Resolution to Endorse VeoRide and Approve Contract Negotiations”

02-27 RUSA Resolution S20-05 “Resolution to Endorse the Implementation of Feedback Boxes at Student Centers”

03-36 RUSA Executive Board Resolution S20-02 “Resolution to Acknowledge COVID-19 REFUNDS, Grading, and University Workers”