
Fall Elections

Elections season is here again this year! Here is all the information you need if you would like to join the student government at Rutgers University-New Brunswick. Everyone intending to run will be required to attend at least one Information Session. To all those running, all the links to all forms and important documents will be provided for you after those meetings as well so do not worry about missing out on anything. You will also need to take a quiz after the Information Session in order to affirm to us that you not only attended but understand RUSA and the rules of the elections. Good luck to all the candidates!


Information Sessions

  • Wednesday, September 20th @ 6:30 pm (Virtual on Zoom)
  • Friday, September 22nd @ 7:00 pm (Douglass Student Center, Meeting Room A)
  • Monday, September 25th @ 12:00 pm (College Avenue Student Center, Room 108)
  • Tuesday, September 26th @ 1:00 am (College Avenue Student Center, Room 108)


Campaigning Period

Begins: September 11th, 2023 @ 12:00 AM
Ends: October 6th, 2023 @ 11:59 PM 


Voting Period

Begins: October 2nd, 2023 @ 12:00 am
Ends: October 6th, 2023 @ 11:59 pm 


Declaration of Intent Form

Begins: September 11th, 2023 @ 12:00 AM
Ends: September 26th, ​2023 @ 11:59 PM 


Leadership & Agent Thereof Form

Begins: September 11th, 2023 @ 12:00 AM
Ends: September 26th, 2023 @ 11:59 PM


Positions Up for Election this Fall:

  • 1 SAS Class of 2024 Representative
  • 1 SAS Class of 2025 Representative
  • 3 SAS Class of 2026 Representative
  • 3 SAS Class of 2027 Representative
  • 3 SOE Representative
  • 1 SEBS Representative
  • 1 EMSoP Representative
  • 1 Part-Time Student Representative
  • 1 School of Arts and Science Senator
  • 3 College Avenue At-Large
  • 2 Cook At-Large
  • 1 Douglass At-Large
  • 3 Livingston At-Large
  • 3 Busch At-Large
  • 1 Commuter Representative
  • 1 Off-Campus Living Representative
  • 13 Off-Campus/Commuter Representative


Election Timeline

Learning The Ropes

RUSA Election seasons start with several info sessions held around every campus. The purpose of these sessions is to get new members informed on how RUSA elections work and see if they want to join the assembly. At info sessions typically a student will find someone to help them join a ticket in the election, however, a student can run independently if they so choose. 


Information Sessions

The Elections Commssion will discuss and answer questions about the timeline, and guidelines of the RUSA Election. Candidates, upon request, will be provided with RUSA’s Elections Guidelines, including the “Declaration of Intent.” You are free to drop in at any time to receive the information. If you cannot make any of the Information Sessions, please email the Elections Commission at rusa.elections@gmail.com. The Elections Commssion can send you a recorded version of one of the zoom sessions as well as share the Power Point used in the presentation. The Elections Commission will also send the quiz that needs to be taken after viewing the session. 


Declaring Your Candidacy

After a student wants to join the assembly and run in an election, they must submit their Declaration of Intent (DOI) by a certain date specifying the position they are running for, the ticket they are on if at all, and a statement about your candidacy. 


Getting The Word Out!

The main and most exciting part of the RUSA elections season is the campaigning and election period itself. During this time, you and your ticket will create flyers and go around the campuses to put them up and hand them out and use social media and work of mouth to spread the word to vote for you. Then once the election period starts, you will have 7 days to get as many votes as possible. Once the voting period ends, the results will be released by the elections committee. 


Campaigning Period

During this period, candidates are encouraged to actively campaign and solicit support. See the Elections Code for specific rules governing campaigning and solicitation of votes. 


Elections Period

During this period, eligible students at Rutgers University may actively vote for candidates in the elections. This period may be extended by the Elections Committee in accordance with the Elections Code. An official notice will be sent to all candidates and the student body of the open and close time of the Ballots. 


Announcement of Preliminary Results

Preliminary results will be announced within 24 hours of the conclusion of the Elections. The deadline for certifying the results will be 10 days after the announcement of the results unless certification is delayed under the order of the Elections Appeals Committee. 


Keep Track of Your Spending

A very important thing to remember during an election season is budgets. If any money is spent to aid in the election for a ticket, that ticket must record every cent spent and submit it to the elections committee after the election period. Failure to do so or do so incorrectly could result in immediate disqualification. 


Did Someone Violate the Elections Code? Appeal It!

If there are any issues from the results of the elections, or complaints during any portion of the election season, an individual may write up and submit an appeal. An appeal is an official complaint explaining wrongdoings or misdemeanors committed by an individual or entire ticket in an election season. Depending on the severity of the appeal, and if the elections committee rules in favor of the writer of the appeal, an individual or ticket may be disqualified from the election. However, appeals are not some loophole to dig up dirt on an opponent in the hopes to disqualify them. They are not a spiteful weapon. Appeals are a formal and serious complaint that the elections code was violated. In life, we all take losses and we have to live them and learn from them. Do NOT write appeals lightly, it will only cause you and the appellee more stress than is needed. Appeals may be submitted at any time until the deadline, consistent with the rules and regulations of the Elections Code. Pursuant to the Elections Code, on issues concerning budgetary reports, appeals by the Elections Committee may be pursued up to two days after the budget deadline.


Elections FAQ

What are RUSA elections?

RUSA elections are the time for the student body of Rutgers University to vote in the next members of the student government assembly. These are the people that are going to represent you when talking to administration about policies to better your experience here at Rutgers, so take them seriously and really get to know the candidates!


When are RUSA elections held?

There are 2 elections every school year, one in the fall and one in the spring. Fall elections are for campus and freshman representatives, as well as any unfilled seats from Spring. Spring elections are larger as they are for President, Vice President and Treasurer, as well as School and Class representatives, along with Senators. In addition, internal elections for the Executive Board happen after Spring elections.


What is the difference between normal elections and internal elections?

A normal election has its votes come from you, the student body of Rutgers. The positions the school votes for are those mentioned above. Internal elections are elections for Executive Board positions that only voting RUSA members are able to vote for. These positions are seats such as Parliamentarian, Secretary, SAS Senate Leader, and all of the committee chair positions.


How can you stay in touch with RUSA elections as a student?

Most election ballots will have their own ways of reaching out to students, be it Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, etc. Either way, you should follow the RUSA Instagram account, @rusa.nb, and the president and vice president accounts, @rutgers_sbp and @rutgers_sbvp to stay up to date on everything RUSA related.