The Executive Committee consists of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Parliamentarian, SAS Senate Leader, Allocations Board Chair, Judicial Council Chair, all Committees Chairs, the President's Cabinet, and Department Directors. If you have any questions for the executive board, feel free to reach out via email or visit them in the RUSA office during their office hours below.
Executive Board
Jack Ramirez
Office Hours: TBA
Vice President
Kaia Dyckman
Office Hours: TBA
Sam Meizys
Office Hours: TBA
Vinya Lingamneni
Office Hours: TBA
Brielle Fedorko
Office Hours: TBA
SAS Senate Leader
Taylor Shaw
Office Hours: TBA
Allocations Chair
Jai Jhaveri
Office Hours: TBA
Judicial Council Chair
Noah Morros
Office Hours: TBA
Academic Affairs Chair
Ziad Burghli
Office Hours: TBA
Academic Affairs is charged with communicating with the Rutgers administration and faculty. Their job is to address student concerns regarding their education.
Health & Wellness Chair
Sahithya Suryanarayan
Office Hours: TBA
Internal Affairs Chair
Samantha Carhuaricra
Office Hours: TBA
Internal Affairs is the internal investigatory body of RUSA, with jurisdiction over the Governing Documents and the powers to start investigations into, impeach, or censor members of RUSA.
Legislative Affairs Chair
Chris Godoy
Office Hours: TBA
Legislative Affairs is tasked with advocating at the local, state, and federal levels of government on matters which impact our student body. Committee work includes doing policy research, keeping track of current affairs, building coalitions, and interacting with legislators and legislative staff in the pursuit of implementing policy goals.
Public Relations Chair
Abigail Fulton
Office Hours: TBA
Public Relations covers all social media, technology, and online communication for RUSA. Whenever there is an event for the upcoming year, such as a Town Hall, Outreach initiative, or Elections, Public Relations will be there to quickly get the word out.
Sexual Violence Education Chair
Raquel Shapiro
Office Hours: TBA
Student Affairs Chair
Angelique Dinnali
Office Hours: TBA
University Affairs Chair
Lilly Sousa
Office Hours: TBA
Chief of Staff
Julia Hernandez
Office Hours: TBA
Big Ten Liaison
Office Hours: TBA
Athletics Coordinator
Office Hours: TBA
Deputy Chief of Staff to the President
Sean Firat
Office Hours: TBA
Deputy Chief of Staff to the Vice President
Maggie Lu
Office Hours: TBA
Public Health Department Director
Office Hours: TBA
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Department Director